Tata Hitachi Construction Machinery Pvt. Ltd. (THCM) and International Institute of Waste
Management (IIWM) organized a one day training programme on “Gas Safety and Waste
Management” at Dharwad manufacturing plant on 23rd December 2017, Dharwad, Karnataka.
The overall objectives of the training programme were to create awareness about Waste
Management – principles and practices, to get insights on legal framework of Waste
Management, to identify challenges in Waste Management w.r.t. Dharwad plant, to create
awareness on Gas Safety: safe handling principles, precautions and Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) and to share the best practices from the sector. A total number of 17
participants attended the training programme which was targeted for supervisors from various
departments like production and maintenance, managers and line side employees from various
departments and EHS team. The training programme had an interactive approach with a blend
of lectures and exchange of experiences. The programme concluded with question and answers