International Institute of Waste Management (IIWM), Bengaluru organized a one day "Capacity Building Programme on Bio-medical Waste Management" in cooperation with Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board on 10th September 2016 at Ujjain District, Madhya Pradesh. The programme was intended for the medical personnel and the paramedical staff and was attended by 35 participants from various hospitals of Ujjain District.
The focus of the programme was to create awareness on the legal aspects and compliance of Bio-Medical Waste Management for the healthcare facilities and Liquid Waste Management for the Laboratories and develop a regional approach for effective management of waste through group discussions, periodic training for the staff and development of SOPs / checklists for the healthcare facilities.
The training programme also included field visit to the Common Bio-medical Waste Treatment Facility to provide hands-on experience and in-depth knowledge on the best available technologies and waste management practices.